The solution is to pass only the fields we need in Views of the User. to do so we do the following
<property name="views.pkg" value="org.ephman.examples.user.views"/> <class name="${user.pkg}.User" ... > <class-view name="${views.pkg}.UserQuickView" format="quick" /> ... <field name="userId" type="string"> <view in="quick"/> </field> ... </class>This will generate a class representing an abstraction of the class User, which has the field userId. ALSO a routine will be added to User called createQuickView (). This routine operates on this and returns a UserQuickView with userId set to the same value in the User object. Also you can create a new User with a UserQuickView as the initialization parameters (ie. from a new User form).
UserQuickView initUser -> passed in from a separate service.. User newUser = new User (); newUser.initializeFromView (initUser);